The Lore of Pearls
- Written by E. M. Gems & Diamonds
Legends About Pearls
According to legend, the pearl is born from a shell, which has been fertilized by the Moon, a glimmer or a dewdrop, showing the heavenly origin and symbolizing the essence of female creativity, represented by the parallel myth Birth of Venus, goddess of beauty and love.
In ancient times, people believed that pearls were created from the tears of angels. While others believed that were created from the tears of Adam and Eve after the murder of their son Abel by Cain. Tears of Eve became pale-pearls while Adam’s Black as night.
No other gem has captivated us and has captured our admiration, like pearl. Diamonds may be forever, but pearls have been recognized as a precious gem for centuries more than any other stone.
The Greek mythology proclaimed pearls to be tears of joy that threw the goddess Venus. The ancient Egyptians associate pearls with Isis, goddess of healing and life.
Tale of pearls and Cleopatra
A tale that has passed through the centuries, says Cleopatra smash a pearl and dissolved in a glass of vinegar (some believe Egyptian wine-vinegar), to show to Marco Antonio that could host the most expensive dinner in history.