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About Us

Welcome to E.M. Gems & Diamonds, the company that creates unique handmade jewellery with the most beautiful coloured gemstones that have travelled from the heart of the Earth to your heart.
In our laboratory you will find a wide variety of fine gemstones and handmade jewellery.
At E.M. Gems & Diamonds we strive to offer our customers, exquisitely crafted jewellery into modern design and an unforgettable shopping experience at the best prices.
Our customers can be sure that the gemstones are 100% natural.
E.M. Gems & Diamonds has been created by the highly trained gemmologist and adamantologist Elen Mkogian .
Elen Mkogian has studied gemmology (Gemmology is a science that deals with analyzing and verifying the authenticity of a gemstone) and adamantology (adamantology is the science of studying, identifying and grading diamonds) at the Gemmological Assocciation of Great Britain , one of the world’s longest established provider of gem education.
The prestigious Gemmology and Diamonds Diplomas, taught around the world, are now globally recognized as qualifications of the highest status.about

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